Safeguarding means doing all we can to prevent harm from occurring to people, especially children and vulnerable adults.
Everyone should be able to live their life free from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as neglect and exploitation.
It isn’t just because we want to protect everyone, but it is also the law.
We will always do everything we can to help someone in need.
What to do if you need help
Don’t worry, we’ve got you!
All of our staff are trained to help when needed.
If anything is worrying you, or if you are scared or something just isn’t right, speak to us. We can help!
We are here to listen, whatever the issue, just ask a member of the team for a quiet word.

I'm not being abused or exploited, so how does this apply to me?
Safeguarding can help different people in different ways. It’s all about looking out for people.
It could be mental health, relationships, money, eating, anxiety, exams, sex, family, basically anything that can cause you worry or stress.
Life can feel like it’s out of control sometimes and a problem can feel MASSIVE, but we can help bring it all into perspective.
Talk to us and we will listen, understand and give you the help that you need.
Shhh! Keep it secret!
You can talk about anything that is worrying you.
However, by law, we have to pass on information if you tell us something where we feel that you are at risk of harm.
We will always tell you if we are going to do this.
But don’t worry! We are here to support you and make sure that you are safe.
You are not doing anything wrong by talking to someone.
Talk to a member of the team. We are here to help.
Beyond The Way
Sadly, we are not open 24/7. But there is help out there that is!
If you need help and we aren’t there, call one of these organisations and they will help you:
Childline: 08001111
The Samaritans: 116 123
Shout!: Text 85258
HOPELINE: 0800 068 4141
If it’s an emergency: 999

Still got questions? No problem.
There is only so much info you can put on a page. So you may have some questions.
All of our staff are trained in safeguarding, so they should be able to answer anything that you throw at them.
But just in case, there are 3 “Designated Safeguarding Leads”. They are the experts and should be able to answer anything else. They are:
David Gibson:
Rebecca Bunger:
Paul Snape: